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Selecting your Channels

Selecting the right channels for your content is an important step in ensuring it is effective and impactful.

Channel strategy

To ensure your content is impactful, you need to think about what you say and where you say it.

There are many different distribution channels that you can use to share your content.

Some content works well for the website, for email, or for social media. Other content is produced for print, for adverts or for promotion around campus,

The approach you choose depends on the format of your content and the audience you want to reach. It can also have a large impact on the success of your content or campaign.

'Everywhere' is not the best option

You should be strategic about where you showcase your content. Putting all of your content everywhere can be a lot of work.

It can also leave your channels unfocused, and make it hard for your audiences to find what they need.

Choosing the right channels

When you’re working out the channel or channels that are best for your content, you should consider:

  • your target audience
  • how they consume content
  • how many users engage with that channel
  • the potential to grow an audience through that channel
  • the cost in time and money, and if you'll achieve a good return on investment
  • how appropriate the channel and content format is for your message

The audience you are trying to reach will immediately indicate that some channels are appropriate, and rule out others.

You will not reach your audience if you use channels that they don’t read, watch or engage with. They may ignore your message if they repeatedly receive messages that do not meet their expectations. At worst, they may unfollow or unsubscribe.

Advertising and influencers

It can sometimes be useful to boost your message by using someone else’s platform.

This may involve putting an ad out on another media provider. You may advertise on social media to increase reach. Or you may decide to partner with an 'influencer' who is popular with your chosen audience.

If you do this, remember that your message should match the tone and content of both your audience and your chosen partner.

Also consider the Return on Investment of any paid partnerships. Look at how likely they are to attract worthwhile attention from your target audience.

To discuss channels contact the Marketing Planning and Campaigns Team at

Starting new channels

New channels pop up all the time, particularly on social media.

However, you should prioritise your channels based on where your audiences are, and how effectively they help you to reach them.

Latest guidance: Creating new social channels for the University

Measuring channel impact

Audience habits change over time, sometimes surprisingly quickly. So don’t forget to measure the effectiveness of your messaging on each channel.

Consider surface-level metrics, such as the size of your audience on each channel, and how many of those acted on your message.

You should also talk to your audiences about whether your channels are reaching them, and what they think of your approach and messaging.

This could give you the confidence that your approach is working, or the insight you need to change course.

Useful links