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Two colleagues win prestigious Leverhulme Prizes

We are so proud of our colleagues Professor Preti Taneja and Dr Joseph Hone for being awarded Philip Leverhulme prizes for their outstanding research.

21 October 2022

I'm sure you will join us all in congratulating Joseph Hone and Preti Taneja who have been awarded Philip Leverhulme Prizes for their outstanding and impactful research. The prize was awarded to Dr Hone for his work on bibliography, the history of the book and literary studies, and to Professor Taneja for her work combining ethics, politics and aesthetics and developing pioneering hybrid creative forms, including via literary prose, to advocate for minority rights.

With Joseph and Preti compromising two out of five winners in the Languages and Literature category, it is a huge triumph for the school and with three out of the five winners based in Newcastle, it is a celebration for our city too.